
Salt Tech Inc.
1041 North Dupont Highway Dover, DE 19901 US
Salt Tech Software Services LLP
Lodha Supremus ||, Wagle Industrial Estate, Thane, Maharashtra 400604, India.

What is 5G and Why Should You Care?

5G, the fifth generation of wireless technology, is more than just a faster way to stream your favorite shows. It’s a game-changer set to revolutionize…

5 Trending JavaScript Libraries in 2024

JavaScript, the ubiquitous language of the web, continues to evolve with new libraries that enhance development efficiency and capability. Here are five JavaScript libraries making…

Backwards Method: Is There a Roadmap for Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation is the buzzword of the decade, promising to turn your business into a lean, mean, tech-savvy machine. But here’s the catch: there’s no…

Unicorn Startup: How to Do It Right?

Building a unicorn startup—valued at over $1 billion—is every entrepreneur's dream, but it's a journey fraught with challenges and requires more than just a killer…

A Lighthouse Project for Digital Transformation

In today’s fast-paced world, digital transformation isn’t just a buzzword; it's a survival tactic. Imagine a ship navigating through turbulent seas. What keeps it from…

How Understanding the User Affects the Product Design Process

In the ever-evolving landscape of product design, one principle stands out as a beacon for success: understanding the user. It’s not just about creating aesthetically…

Why Low-Fidelity Prototypes Matter

When it comes to designing a product or service, especially in the world of UX and UI, the term “low-fidelity prototype” (often shortened to low-fi…

Deciphering the Nuances: Digitization, Digitalization, and Digital Transformation—How Do They Differ?

In today's digital age, terms like digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation are thrown around like confetti at a celebration. But what do they really mean?…

Inversion of Control #1: The Art of Dependency Injection

Picture this: You're building a house, and you need different specialists for plumbing, electricity, and carpentry. Instead of you searching for them, they come to…